04 Dentsply Cavitron Handpiece Cable, Gen 120
Available Refurbished or Repaired Only

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This Item has been discontinued. 

We can offer a refurbished cable or a repaired cable if you send us your old one, use the link above in order to get a shipping label

Refurbished pricing   $395   – We replace all tubing, wiring and connectors, replacing everything but the end connector.  12 month warranty

Repaired Pricing $275 – We repair only what is wrong with the cable   6 month warranty

Note: not all cables are able to be refurbished or repaired, if there is any damage to the end connector, it may not be repairable




Dentsply Cavitron Handpiece Cable, Black

Replacement for

Gen 120

6 Month Warranty


Additional information


New, Refurbished